Friday, June 28, 2013

Part the Second: In which strip searches and 'accidents' are discussed

The rumors of our deaths have been greatly, you get the idea...

Z Gundam Define Struct 02

After much delay, Struct 02 is ready.  Some interesting new fleshing out of the AEUG's part in the Gundam-jacking operation, and Kitazume apparently deciding the Titans weren't big enough assholes the first time around.

All this and more in Z Gundam Define!

Struct 03 will take less time.  We swear.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Part the First: A Boy Named Su--er Kamille

Now that we've inevitably gotten that out of the way, greetings from Anaheim Electronics Scanlations.

This marks our first release, Struct 1 of Hiroyuki Kitazume's retelling, Z Gundam Define.

It's off to a pretty interesting start for a reboot.  Titans rapeface, a more drawn out ideological debate, and Quattro laying on his identity a little thicker than before.

Personally, curious to see where they take it from here.

Z Gundam Define Struct 01 -- Enjoy folks.

Also, sorry if the image work is a little rough around the edges.  Still getting back into the swing of this and had to work with binding on this one.  Next few Structs should look a bit better.

--Box of Scraps.